What is AT&T K006 9968 ESTOR 7 BETHLEHEM PA?

First seen April 23, 2014. Last updated on April 02, 2020.


The credit card charge "AT&T K006 9968 ESTOR 7 BETHLEHEM PA" was first recorded on April 23, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Do you have any information regarding this credit card charge? If so, please share below! Help others avoid a potential confusion by commenting!

Is this a legitimate credit card charge?

92% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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Merchant Information

Merchant At&t (edit)
Website AT&T (edit)
Phone 9569993193 (edit)
Category CELLPHONE (edit)
Description TX, GA, and MD (edit)


Rebecca on May 19, 2016

It appeared on my account on a Thursday around 5:36 PM. I have my account set up to send me notices when my debit card is used. The amount was for $278.79. So far my bank locked my card and deducted it from my account, then gave me a provisional refund duribg the dispute. My card was never out of my posession.

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Robbie on June 21, 2016

I had $55 withdrawn from my account yesterday by this same K006-9968. Been a Verizon customer for 10 years so I called my bank to dispute the transaction.

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shay davis on October 27, 2016


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Wendy on November 08, 2016

Three separate charges this morning from AT&T K006 9968: $307.38 $556.35 $339.85 This is obviously an ongoing scam...Why isn't anything being done to stop these thieves?

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Nzingha on May 24, 2017

I got charged from AT&T K006 9968 Estor Bethlehem PA for $66.56 May 24. I have no idea who did this. My wallet was stolen so who knows?

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A. Beauliere on May 30, 2017

I just got a call from my bank asking if I made a purchase at AT&T. When I went to check my bank account someone had made a charge of $424.55 to AT&T K006 9968 Estor Bethlehem PA, I am in NY. When I went to try and find a number for this AT&T store I come up with a list of websites where consumers were hit with the same fraud charges. WTF? You call AT&T fraud department and they can't do a damn thing to help you. This was a crappy morning but at least my bank was able to refund me. AT&T needs to do something since whoever is doing this is using their company name.

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Jen on June 20, 2017

I had a charge for $55.24 on June 2, 2017 and just called bank and AT&T to discover a fraudulent scam charge! WTF I hate these jerks! Looks like from some of you other guys posted though that it could have been worse : /

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Teri on June 21, 2017

Yesterday, I also had a withdrawal from my bank account from AT&T K006 9968 ESTOR just under $55.00. Immediately prior to that was a withdrawal from ASDASD for .67 cents. Who is that? Was in pending status in account. Bank credited back the $55.00. Now I know this is a fraud, but the bank sure couldn't tell me if it was or not. I requested a new debit card and set up alerts, but will only allow alerts of $100 or more. Guess that's how the scammers get under the radar.

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Geo on September 19, 2017

9/15/17 AT&T K006 9968 ESTOR charged $57 to my account. Then added 4 more charges for $24 on 9/18/17. I caught it in the temporary transactions stage and told the credit card folks. They're supposed to cancel the charges.

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Dean on October 13, 2017

10/13/17 AT&T K006 9968 ESTOR charged $849.99 at 1:16am to my credit card. Called my credit card fraud dept in morning and they said they already denied the charge. They also will now shut down my card and issue a free replacement. (Note: I've had this fraud happen 6-7 times on various credit cards over the last 5 years....whoever finds a true security measure for our credit cards will be a rich person.....

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Kelly on December 10, 2017

Just found two charges on my credit card for 11/21/2017 from AT&T $132.50 & $59.50. The website tx and pa do not list much information. Thankful that my credit card has removed the charges and cancelled my card.

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Cardi K on April 22, 2018

This happen to me today , I was charged 59.50 . I had my card canceled , address changed and updated for extra security. This is sad

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Letty on May 07, 2018

I just made payment arrangements for my debt to collections from at&t,southwest credit system and now $144.16 is missing from my debit proof they did paper bank won't dispute it because there is no transaction on my this website I see that at&t does do fraud.I don't know how to resolve this.I think I am screwed of the proof.they hacked into my bank account

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Genessa on July 11, 2018

I also had 2 transactions show up on my business debit for at&t k009 and at&t k0122. Totaling a little under $250. Bank cancelled card but won’t reimburse for 7-10 days. Not happy. But my bank sucks as much as the assholes who had my card number.

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Tabetha on July 12, 2018

I had these charges show up yesterday and went to the bank today to dispute it. It wasn’t ATT that did this and it’s definitely fraudulent. At least my bank refunded me and got me a new card

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Susie Potts Owens on July 23, 2018

My daughters card just got charged by this same company. She is on the phone with her bank now. These same charges have been showing up since 2014 by the exact same company. Why have they not been stopped in over 4 years.

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William Clark on August 05, 2018

They made a charge of $783.00 to my account. I've gone over all my debit card charges that I made for the last 2 months and it's all the same places that I typically make purchases. After reporting the charges to my bank, I felt violated and used.

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Hate AT&T on August 07, 2018

I just got hit on my debit card with a charge for $349.93 today and another failed charge for that same exact amount. My failed attempt to get gas 45 minutes ago triggered a fraud alert on my account. My card is now locked once I saw the e-mail listing these 2 unauthorized charges. Unfortunately Chase has a crappy phone system for fraud. Once I pressed 1 for English, it immediately disconnected me. I despise AT&T, so they never get my money, though them owning HBO now is going to be a problem for me. I wish the feds luck on reversing the merger.

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Teriann Shrum on August 29, 2018

Just received a fraudulent charge on my debit card for $347.02. Same as all the others here. This is NOT AT&T as I don't have an AT&T account. I firmly believe there is a way to figure out where this is coming from and a way to stop it. This is ridiculous that this keeps happening over and over to people.

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Hatred on December 12, 2018

Even though my bank gave me temporary credit for the dispute, however, this scammer managed to keep the money after the claims I disputed were denied.

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WTF on June 05, 2019

2 unauthorized transactions charged to my account today from AT&T K006 9968 E Bethlehem PA $138.76 $212.43. I have to go to my bank and file a dispute.

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Rach on November 17, 2019

This k006 9968 estor just appeared on my credit card last night for over 400$ my cc company caught it thankfully. The unauthorized, fraudulent charge happened after u made a purchase through the at&t app.

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Bettilu on March 28, 2020

I got an unauthorized transaction from them on a Saturday for $430.84 on my ACE prepaid debit card. I had to report it stolen and am getting a new card. If this has been going on since 2014, why haven't they been able to shut them down? I'll get my money back but great inconvenience until I get my new card.

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Wayne on April 02, 2020

I was hit today with a 437.83 charge to this merchant. Luckily, the bank texted me immediately to ask if the charge was legitimate. I told them "no" and was given a case number and a phone number to call. The card is now marked compromised and must be replaced. I have recurring charges on the card, so I'll have the hassle of changing all of them. New card will be here in 7-10 days, but I will have the new account number available in the bank's app.

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Do you know anything about the source of this charge? Please comment below!