What is PREP BLAST 615 TN?

First seen November 27, 2014. Last updated on July 14, 2024.


The credit card charge "PREP BLAST 615 TN" was first recorded on November 27, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Do you have any information regarding this credit card charge? If so, please share below! Help others avoid a potential confusion by commenting!

Is this a legitimate credit card charge?

57% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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Merchant Information

Merchant Anchorage School District (edit)
Website (edit)
Phone Click to Add
Category Education (edit)
Description Testing Services (edit)


Portland on May 14, 2016

I had to take an outside test proctored through Portland State University and this is what the charge came up as.

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Mel on January 07, 2018

I had to take a CLEP test and this is how it showed up in my bank account

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Don on December 22, 2018

My son had to take an assessment test prior to junior college and this is how it showed up

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RegisterBlast, LLC on January 11, 2019

This is a charge for taking an exam and paying for it online through an institution. Ask your student - did you use my credit card to take an exam? This is a company that works with over 800 institutions all over the US and Canada.

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Emma on February 27, 2019

I took a proctored exam at OIT Portland-Metro and this was how the charge showed up on my credit card

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Alan on June 25, 2019

My daughter took a math assessment test for University of Georgia. This is a legitimate charge

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Julio on September 03, 2019

I took a proctored exam at FIU and the charge came up. I was unaware company name

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Kathy on November 14, 2019

My daughter was charged to submit a statement of purpose to get in to engineering school at UGA. Was not aware of the name of the company, but the date and amount match up.

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John - Baltimore on November 20, 2019

Community college testing service charge. Its OK.

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Trent on January 05, 2020

Distance learning test for USF (I had an exam proctored there)

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Liliya liliya on July 27, 2020

i have prep blust 615 charge from my debit card

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Kevin on November 30, 2021

ACT testing. Legit charge

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Mary on July 17, 2022

This is a legitimate testing charge. My son had it for a placement test for college. Ask your kid or university.

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Kelly on August 10, 2022

My son took a proctored exam at a community college and this is how it showed up on debit card. Legit charge.

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Kelly Smith on July 04, 2023

Employee took Backflow Certification Test at college campus; Legit charge

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Maria on July 27, 2023

I didn’t know what this charge was, but just like other commenters, this was for a proctored test at a community college.

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Parker Johnson on August 11, 2023

I signed up and paid for the workkeys test through my community college and this is what it showed up as

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raymond larry pugh on October 27, 2023

this is a scam chg

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Leif on November 25, 2023

I was worried about the charge, but realized after reading other comments that I paid my college to take a test (NPOST) at their testing center. This charge was legit.

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Momo on December 14, 2023

I don’t what’s going on why they charge me

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prep blast on June 14, 2024

my money back

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Leigh Ann Smith on July 14, 2024

2 changes on my credit card $25 each

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Do you know anything about the source of this charge? Please comment below!