First seen September 03, 2014. Last updated on October 19, 2018.


The credit card charge "ACCESS DVD LODI CA" was first recorded on September 03, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

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Is this a legitimate credit card charge?

71% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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Merchant Information

Merchant Access DVD (edit)
Website Click to Add
Phone (209)747-8120 (edit)
Category Video rentals (edit)
Description DVD Rental kiosks (edit)


DVD Renter in Amador on October 19, 2018

2 fraudulent charges of 32.25 to 2 seperate cards roughly 2 weeks after last video rental. Customer service was called - No response Emailed customer service - inquired as to the charge. Their response was simply - "are 0242 and 3158 the last digits of your other cards" Me - Yes why? Boom - Instantly More fraudulent charges of 32.25 to those cards as well with no explanation of the charges. A law threatening email was then sent confronting their B.S. and that all charges would be reversed and their services no longer will be used. Sad because they didn't make any money off me and lost a lot of future business. Still no response through email. All Cards cancelled and all their bogus charges were reversed. Keep in mind I rented from the same kiosk for over a year with no incidents then all of a sudden in September of 2018 (Is it coincidence this happens in Sept.?) several fraudulent charges appeared on all known and logged cards previously used. FRIENDLY WARNING - NEVER USE ACCESS DVD!

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