What is AVENUE C MARKET 888 979 0 TROY MI USA?

First seen July 18, 2014. Last updated on June 19, 2021.


The credit card charge "AVENUE C MARKET 888 979 0 TROY MI USA" was first recorded on July 18, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Do you have any information regarding this credit card charge? If so, please share below! Help others avoid a potential confusion by commenting!

Is this a legitimate credit card charge?

52% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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Merchant Information

Merchant Self checkout cafe (edit)
Website (edit)
Phone 8889790062 (edit)
Category Food/drink (edit)
Description Vending machine/canteen (edit)


Steve on July 28, 2015

Vending Machine charges.

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Cookie C on September 11, 2015

Fraud - Never authorize it. How in the world they get a hold of my cc?

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Gary on September 21, 2015

Food vending machine

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Gary walkins on September 21, 2015

Food vending machine

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Kim Larrabee on September 28, 2015

We have a self-serve kiosk at work, I recognize the charge by how much money I put in it.

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Reid on October 01, 2015

Vending machine charge, legitimate

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Xaiver on December 13, 2015

Legitimate, Self-serve Kiosk at work..

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Vir on January 04, 2016

Vending Machine at Office, Houston, tx, company charge is from Troy Mi.

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chris on February 17, 2016

vending machine at work, legit

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Amy on March 12, 2016

I almost didn't remember doing this, and the address of Troy, MI, confused me, because although I live in PA, I do go to Michigan. But this is the unmanned vending area at my work building in Pennsylvania. I got a breakfast ^&*$in there one day. This is valid.

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Fuad Burki on March 21, 2016

yes it is legitimate. it is a vending machine at our HQ bldg in glendale

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Fuad Burki on March 21, 2016

yes it is legitimate. it is a vending machine at my HQ bldg in glendale

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Fuad Burki on March 21, 2016

yes it is legitimate. it is a vending machine at my HQ bldg in glendale

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Nina kim on March 25, 2016

Food vending Mc at work California

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Cheryl on March 25, 2016

Self serve kiosk at work. It's legit!

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Wally on April 10, 2016

I have never been near Mich and this showed up on my account

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Caleb on April 20, 2016

Self checkout cafe at uni/work.

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Delta on May 07, 2016

legit - i could not figured out where this charge came from - I had returned from a business trip to Troy, MI but date on charge was not dates i was in MI, so I was really confused and extremely worried. but sure enough charge is from self serve vending at my plant in NC.

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richard on May 13, 2016

it's a charge for the vending machine at my job. i got scared too when i saw it, but then realized after seeing this forum what i was doing that day lol

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avatar on May 30, 2016

Legit. Self serve / vending machine.Troy, Michigan will throw you off but thats the credit card machines home base.

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Wiles on May 31, 2016

24 hour vending machine at work.

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D. Greene on June 04, 2016

There is a vending kiosk at my work in Phoenix AZ. I don't use it often because it's so expensive. The Troy, MI address is misleading, but I've confirmed this is a legit charge.

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Denise on June 16, 2016

This is a vending service on my job. It's legit

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Vending Machine on October 06, 2017

Vending machine at work (not in Troy, Mi)

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Rhea on December 30, 2017

This is a self-serve 24-hour convenience stand in my work cafeteria in Ridley Park, PA.

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Tony on January 26, 2018

Self service food vending machine at work. Legitimate.

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Caroline on May 26, 2018

It was a self service vending machine charge at my Training facility. Used for first time so I didn't recognize, but it's a legitimate charge for me.

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Matt on June 03, 2018

Yes it's a vending machine. I got suspicious when i saw this too. It's definitely not from Troy, MI... maybe the machine is though. I used one while in NY and my credit card statement displayed another state. But it's legitimate for sure.

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cheryl m on June 19, 2018

vending machine in Tampa Florida-just got off phone with bank-it is legit

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Will on July 10, 2018

I called my credit card company because I have never been to Michigan. They cancelled my credit card and are issuing another one. Now I see this can be from a vending machine. I bought a bottle of milk from a cafeteria vending machine. I'll bet that was it. Why the hell can't they identify the state of the purchase. It would have saved me a lot of hassle and concern. Sheesh!!!

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Sean on October 02, 2018

It is a legit vending machine transaction but the address is misleading. I almost disputed this.

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Marcus on November 05, 2018

The charges were for a self serve kiosk at work in MN. It would be nice if the description reflected the name of the Kiosk, my wife thought they were scam charges. What bothers me is that I bought some food items and a RedBull almost a month ago. Late charges plus unknown name was suspicious to me.

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Andy on March 17, 2019

My company's vending machine charge.

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Emily on April 17, 2019

Legit, the vending machine at my library. Address had me confused though

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BKS on July 30, 2019

Overpriced cashless vending machine at work.

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Nik on February 25, 2020

They charged the same amount 7 times in once day... over the past several months. One swipe is a physical card and all the rest are phone charges for the same amount, same day. Over $100 in fraudulent charges.

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MLS on August 20, 2020

This charge on my card was unfamiliar. Turns out to be from a self-serve payment machine in the Costco employee lounge where I purchased a snack while visiting the store. The Troy,MI threw me off as the store is in California.

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Nick on June 19, 2021

Vending machine kiosk at my OTR truck terminal in Lancaster, TX

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Do you know anything about the source of this charge? Please comment below!