First seen July 21, 2014. Last updated on May 07, 2018.


The credit card charge "GYMBOREE.COM 500 DIXON CA" was first recorded on July 21, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

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100% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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dammiee on January 23, 2016

my account has been charged $12 and I didn't buy anything at all so I don't why gymboree keep charging me...

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MAVA on June 01, 2016

Still scamming as of May 28 2016 - illegal charge of $128

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elaine reynolds on July 26, 2017

You can't feel good about yourself, you must be desperate for money and very unstable. I would think you are close to bankruptcy. You have charged my account over 1000.00, How must that feel to be hunted down by the FBI, because thats who I called. How dare you! FYI? I got reimbursed by your flagrant charges whether they be true or not. You will be found, its ticking for you my friend. keep looking over your shoulder.....tick, tock, tick tock.........everytime you sip a beer, I'm looking at you.......enjoy!!

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Leslie on September 22, 2017

I have TWO charges for 256.00 each. Who are these people anyways?

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NLB on May 07, 2018

Charged $200 to my account. Nothing purchased by me. Had to close my debit card account.

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NLB on May 07, 2018

Charged $200 to my debit card. No purchase by me. Complete scam!!!!

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Do you know anything about the source of this charge? Please comment below!