What is ADAM MAIL *?

First seen November 22, 2014. Last updated on July 29, 2024.


The credit card charge "ADAM MAIL *" was first recorded on November 22, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Do you have any information regarding this credit card charge? If so, please share below! Help others avoid a potential confusion by commenting!

Is this a legitimate credit card charge?

58% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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Merchant Information

Merchant End Clothing newcastle up gbr (edit)
Website (edit)
Phone 5597935202 (edit)
Category Click to Add
Description Online adult store (edit)


Linda Roth on November 30, 2018

SCAM, SCAM, SCAM These people charged my account $205.24 for something I’ve never purchased and refuse to reimburse me. WATCH YOUR ACCOUNT CLOSELY!

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Linda Roth on November 30, 2018

These people are nothing but scam artist, warning!

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Alan on March 22, 2019

Automatic monthly charges were refused because my bank froze my card when charges from this outfit showed up.

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Anon in Oz. on March 25, 2019

20.57 US was just skimmed from my credit... people be v Careful

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Tony in Manitoba Ca on March 25, 2019

Got an international charge on my Costco Capital one card that had been canceled prior to the FRAUDULANT charge of $27.93 by PHE*ADAM MAIL. Cancelled my new card just incase and had charges reversed.

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Jude in Ca on March 29, 2019

This guys are scam. I don't even know of this site not to talk of signing up or buying anything from the site. I got up just to discover that my bank had charged my card for insufficient funds in my card if not they will have collected money from my card. Please everyone should be careful

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Emma on March 29, 2019

Scam never purchased anything from here

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Gabby Sydney on April 03, 2019

Just got a charge on my card for $29 from these guys - I haven’t bought anything - scam

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Laco on April 03, 2019

Dnes mi strhli z účtu 18,03 € a ani neviem začo lebo túto stránku vobec nepoznám v živote som o nej nepočul nie to ešte objednávať, su to podvodníci a smutne je to že nikto nič nespravi koľkých oberu o peniaze a za nič, su to hajzli

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WTF on April 04, 2019

Just got charged from this site never shopped here nor know anything about it watch your account people

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Lil Lynn on April 06, 2019

Stole 21.75 from my debit card, thank goodness I saw this charge, and so did my bank! Reported his butt! Watch out people everyone out there to steal our hard earned money that, obviously, these guys dont know anything about!!

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jog on April 07, 2019

Scam, my bank just called me and said adam mail charged 19.50.

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Michelle on April 08, 2019

Two charges pending from over the weekend. One for $19.71 and another for $21.87. On hold with my bank now. Geeeze. What a hassle. Glad I noticed!

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Damien on April 10, 2019

Thieves took £39.40 out of my account not sure how as I've never seen or heard of this before.

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Solis on April 16, 2019

my card was charged **** 2517 on 16. 4. 2019 9:28 FRAUDULENTLY. I am situated in Europe and don't use this old card. This morning I have received a call from my bankers fraud dept. asking about this 20 USD charge by ADAM MAIL, HILLSBOROUGH, US. No cigar, I am going to reclaim this payment.

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Jwp, no more! on January 30, 2020

That's why I don't order anything from cell or computer! After addressing this I'm no longer shopping on cell! Not secure!

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True on August 05, 2020

This is not a fraudulent site, it's Adam and Eve and adult web site.

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jack on August 19, 2020

These guys scammed me for $797. My bank notified me of this and had them clear that off. They are sending me a new card. Crazy crazy.

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Lolz on October 22, 2020

Y’all better ask your spouses what they ordered from Adam and Eve!!! Or maybe kids idk but there some !$# toys heading your way!

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Uwant2know on December 06, 2020

This is from a website called Adam & Eve. It is adult/novelty toy store that also sells lingerie. IT IS NOT A SCAM. I KNOWTHIS BECAUSE I FREQUENTLY SHOP ONLINE AT THIS STORE. I HAVE MADE OVER10 PURCHASES FROM A & E with never having one problem at all.

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Charlie on February 02, 2021

A charge of 19.96 appeared on our Capital One card today along with another larger charge from "RUGSUSA HOLDINGS INC". Both of these are scams. We did not place either of these orders and have no idea how they got our card number. No charges have been placed on this card for quite some time. Our card had to be cancelled.

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Evan on February 04, 2021

Kind of concerned by how many people are saying this is a scam but I can confirm that I bought something from adam & eve. If you have a partner, it makes sense, maybe they're trying to surprise you with a toy lol

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Reggie Thomas on February 18, 2021

The will charge your card three times never will order from them again

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Shadez Whitfield on February 24, 2021

Yes I Have Why Is This Happening?

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Lepori young on March 13, 2021

These ppl hacked my account and tried to charge it 13.98 dont know who they are or how they got my card info they are scammers and hackers watch your accounts people.

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Tarah Nelson on March 14, 2021

I got charged 13.98 on March 13, 2021 Never used my card for this site Quit stealing money from people, I am %*&!ed better get my money back.

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Laura on March 20, 2021

They take also money from my account!!! Scam

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Jahliek on March 22, 2021

Someone charged 14.18 off my credit card.

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Nicole on March 22, 2021

I lost my debit card over a week ago. I turned the card off in case i just misplaced it. Apparently someone found it and tried to charge $14.25 at this online site. Luckily my bank denied the charge.

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Joanne on March 23, 2021

I have charges from this site after using my card in Sydney Olympic Games Park have charges every day for 3 days trying to get on to my bank.

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Suspish on March 26, 2021

I have 2 charges that I did not make from ADAM MAIL and I have reported them to my bank. This site may be legit but it's kinda weird all the fraudulent activity people have reported. Makes me wonder???

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Maya ming on June 22, 2021

I have never been on her didn't even know what it looks like be very careful the been taking 36.37 a week of my card

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Dorido on July 17, 2021

Was super confused at first and thought it's a fraudulent charge but then I remembered ordering !$# toys from Adam and Eve. Thanks for the laugh guys.

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Adam & Eve on August 08, 2021

I buy from this website, they aren't a scam so not sure why people's cards are getting charged.

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Rob Myles on January 13, 2022

My bank just blocked my credit card as Adam mail just cleared 260 dollars from my credit card .luckily it bounced as had insufficient funds on that card .these guys are crooks .monitor ur account folks ..

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PHE ADAM MAIL on July 10, 2022

This may or may not be a legit company, but why would they attempt to charge $231 on my credit card when I was asleep? If it sounds like a scam and smells like a scam, what do you think? I was lucky that my credit card company declined the transaction.

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Rob S on September 08, 2022

This is for the adult merchandise store They don't charge to an account themselves, someone has to place an order and use your card info. If this happens, you may want to check w/ any other card holders on the account to see if they ordered something and forgot to tell you, or may have forgotten about it themselves. It's unfair to blame the company for this, as they are also a victim here since someone ordered merchandise from them and essentially tried to steal money from you to pay for it.

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Naomi on October 06, 2022

So someone just tried to buy $222.83 worth of !$# toys or lingerie with my debit card apparently!!! Thank goodness my bank is awesome! They text me and called me after immediately flagging the activity as suspicious and asked me if I believed it to be fraud. I said absolutely!!!! So it was stopped before it ever got taken out, however, my darn card had to be cancelled and a new one ordered which is a ridiculous pain in the butt! I’m going to have to go back to being very overly cautious with who I make online purchases thru! Ugh!!! I never shopped at Adam and Eve before I know that!

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Fred on November 17, 2022

Just tried to charge $190.34 to my Discover card. Never heard of these people. Thank God Discover is on top of things and refused the transaction.

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Uncle Sam on December 24, 2022

These just popped up a day apart 12/22 card2736 $54.69 12/23 ADAM MAIL Card2736 $97.71 I have NO Clue had to use Google search to get this far

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CC on March 16, 2023

You guys should just admit you like to play, or find out if your spouse has been messing somewhere else. This site doesn't just charge your card. The information has to be put into the website. So it is not the company doing it. It is someone with access to your card or account.

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Abdullah on September 30, 2023

شراء عبر الانترنت بطاقة ائتمانية رقم 9528 بمبلغ 27.46 USD لدى ADAM MAIL في 20:54 30-09-2023 الرصيد المتاح SAR 42893.75

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Jamie Grant on October 23, 2023

My cash app card stays locked 🔒 and I saw a message that my card is locked 🔒 so my $32 payment was declined. I never shopped their in my life. So I wanted to know why are they looking to charge my card and I never did business with them.

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Joni Bloom on October 26, 2023

They have charged my card twice. I have contacted them twice. Told them to get me off their subscription list. Or whatever and all they do is send me to a customer service who cannot help you.

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Kathy on May 02, 2024

Adam mail -800-794-3316 . Out of NC. Not mine!

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Deanna on July 29, 2024

I have 3 separate charges on three separate months for ADAM MAIL

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Deanna on July 29, 2024

3 charges. Once per month. Each over $50

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Do you know anything about the source of this charge? Please comment below!