What is FIS, INC. #105 TAMPA FL?

First seen April 28, 2015. Last updated on March 30, 2019.


The credit card charge "FIS, INC. #105 TAMPA FL" was first recorded on April 28, 2015. It has been deemed not suspicious by our users.

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Merchant Florida Irregation Supply (edit)
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Description Their credit card sales show up on your credit card stmt as FIS #105, Tampa, FL. My charg was for a New replacement water tank forctly $470 (edit)


Florida Irregatin Supply #105 on March 30, 2019

The 105 is not a street number. It is likely an item number, which in my case was a replacement water tank connected to my well. The reason you don’t remember it is because your serviceman went there (with your credit card?) to buy your new tank. You were likely charged an additional amount fr installation. I instead my $470 tank myself. Don’t feel bad. It took me a while to figure out that FIS card entry because an irregaition friend went there for me and used my card to buy it.

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