What is NOATUN CC8442047512 MESA?

First seen October 05, 2016. Last updated on June 19, 2024.


The credit card charge "NOATUN CC8442047512 MESA" was first recorded on October 05, 2016. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Do you have any information regarding this credit card charge? If so, please share below! Help others avoid a potential confusion by commenting!

Is this a legitimate credit card charge?

97% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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Merchant Information

Merchant Aggregate (edit)
Website (edit)
Phone 1-844-204-7512 (edit)
Category Billing agency for dating sites (edit)
Description They take care of billing for online dating sites. They are based in California. They are a scam company that collects credit cards and info from elsewhere and creates recurring subscriptions on one of their many made-up sites. (edit)


Cameron Swinton on October 05, 2016

I did not allow this transaction

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Mara on September 19, 2017

Thy never answer when I call, but will charge your card every month. I cancelled the card and denied the charges.

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Jake on October 07, 2017

I have been charged of this and it is fraud I've had to have my card cancelled and my bank are on them like hot buns

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Vicki Forrester on August 16, 2019

They have just taken $67 out of my account. I have never heard of them and havent bought anything online. I will be taking this further.

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Matt Wall on September 04, 2019

I just saw it on my statement this morning. I did not make any $60.02 purchase today like it says on my card. FRAUD!

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Rebecca on October 05, 2019

They charged my card and my bank flagged as fraud and denied the charge

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Matt Farrell-Wall on October 05, 2019

I had this on my credit card once a month for three months. Finally I argued with the credit card company telling them I'm not paying. They looked into it and found a number for the company that took the payment. I called them and they couldn't tell me about my "subscription" because my email did not match the one on the account. I asked for their website and they said they didn't have one. I asked what their company was called and they said "Aggregate". I asked where they were based and they said in California, but wouldn't be specific about location. I told they to take my credit card number off their system and block it from all their sites. They said they did and now my card number is blocked from their system. Their number is 1-844-240-7512. You can call them and give last 6 digits of your card number to cancel the recurring subscription they are taking.

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Arthur Haselhuhn on November 27, 2019

this was never brought or allow to come out my bank account for 45.00 this is pure false info

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Om Thapa Vanuatu on April 08, 2020

They have just taken $67 out of my account. I have never heard of them and haven't bought anything online. I will be taking this further. it is fraud. stop doing stealing money guys.

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Donnie Bishop on June 10, 2020

Fraud charge. My bank caught it or they would have hit me for $46. The bank cancelled the credit card and issued me a new one. This is a bunch of low lifes that are too lazy to get a real job. They had rather steal other people's money

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Goddamnit on July 17, 2020

they charged me $45.00!!! muthafukers... are there any ways to get my money back???

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Brooke on August 02, 2020

Got me for $46...scam! Cancelled the card and disputed charges with the bank!

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JANE on February 04, 2021


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JANE on February 04, 2021


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JANE on February 04, 2021

BANK IS TAKING CARE OF IT....................47FCLY

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JANE on February 04, 2021

bank taking care of it

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Beat on February 15, 2022

Credit Card take $45.00 with this CC number

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임동용 on February 13, 2023

환불 돼나요

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임동용 on March 15, 2023

환불 요청한다

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Christina on May 03, 2023

These scammers took 45 dollars of my kidschild support, now I'm broke for 10 days till I get a new card . And I have to report them again once it goes through with the payment. They canceled my card so I have no way to get to the rest of the money, this sucks!

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C Tarpley on May 12, 2023

Fraud charge. My bank caught it, declined the charge, or they would have hit me for $45. The bank cancelled the credit card and issued me a new one. Never heard of them - my bank said they were in marketing.

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임동용 on May 26, 2023

제돈 환불 해주세요

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Tom on May 27, 2023

Got me for $45 called my card company disputed and canceled my card.

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Harvey on June 03, 2023

I do not know what this $45 dollar charge is for. I have not signed up for anything. Tired of scammers trying to take advantage of people who works everyday for they money!!!!!!! I have contacted my bank and canceled my card.. Thank A**holes for the inconvenience!!!!

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Cyndi on June 16, 2023

I got hit for $45 during the night. The bank declined the charge and notified me.

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임동용 on July 13, 2023

환불 해 주세요?

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Garth on July 23, 2023

These scammers were piggy backing on sign up for Microsoft 365 software update. I have advised my bank and cancelled compromised card.

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Tim on August 12, 2023

Got whacked with 2 of these overnight. $45.00 twice. My bank sent me alerts asking me if they were legit. They are not. I will reply "No" not legit and I am sure they will cancel my card and send a new one. What an incovenience.

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임동용 on August 18, 2023

전부 환불 해 주세요

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임동용 on September 11, 2023

환불 해 주세요? 안해주면 고소또는 신고합니다

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Debbie on September 13, 2023

Bank notified me and denied the charge. I have no idea who they are but now I have to go to the hassle of getting a new card. Low lifes!!!!

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Lim Dong-yong on October 03, 2023

When will you give me a refund?

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Lindsey on October 14, 2023

Bank asked if I recognized the charge thankfully, so I said no and will have to get a new card.

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John on October 29, 2023

All I'm gonna provide is my PayPal card got a $45 dollar charge from this scam

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Keith pappas on November 01, 2023

NOATUN CC charged my card×45.95

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Carl W Peetz on November 07, 2023

I think NOATUN CC works with Single Seniors!

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Alex Victor on November 10, 2023

Some body gifts free cell phone but you not cualific but they taking information for stolen money from you account bank

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Ruth Buxton on November 25, 2023

I received a text message from BOA stating they denied $45.00 on my credit card at 5:00 a.m. After reading the above, I believe it to be a dating site because that is the last site I was on before going to bed.

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Peter on January 21, 2024

My bank alerted me and declined the charge by NOATUN CC for $45. So they didn't get anything except the inconvenience for me to cancel my card and wait for a new one. Lazy people screwing people because they done wanna work for a l iving..

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Chandra Fox on January 26, 2024

I was charged $45.00 from this.

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jamie miller on January 30, 2024


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Sonja Pfannenschmidt on February 05, 2024

Mir wurde schon 3x diese Gebühr jeden Monat ab Dezember 23 in Höhe von ca. 42€ von meiner Kreditkarte abgebucht weiß nicht wofür das ist, gehe auf keine Datingseiten. Ich schalte einen Anwalt ein.

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JCS 20 on March 15, 2024

Capital One caught $45.62 charge today and declined it. With their help the card was cancelled within minutes.

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Dawn Morton on March 15, 2024

My card was charged $45 on this site... I want to stop this subscription, please refund my money back iny account. I don't have time to try and do this. I haven't tried nor do I have time to try.. Im sorry.

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Stan Herewini on March 19, 2024

Took money from my bank account

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Linda Kappes on March 20, 2024

NOATUN CC8442047512 MESA AZUS this is the name charged to my debit card. The amount of $45.00 on March 19, 2024

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Lores Gamble on March 25, 2024

I received an unauthorized charge of $45.00 from my debit card.

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Mikael wilopo on March 31, 2024

My credut card was charged suspiciously by Naotun mesa

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Mikael wilopo on March 31, 2024

On the 1st of April, my credit card was charged unauthorised 56.21 $

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Mikael Wilopo on March 31, 2024, My credit card was unauthorised charged 56 21 by noaton mesa

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A Jackson on April 03, 2024

Why am I being charged by NOATUN, AZ CC8442047512

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Timmie a on April 03, 2024

They tried to charge me 45$. My bank sent me a message about the charge immediately and I ordered a new card, so they got nothing. What I don't understand is why can't this site be shut down?

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Mikael Wilopo on April 03, 2024

I was charged $65.78 from noatun means every month, how can I unsubscribe from this link

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Mikael Wilopo on April 03, 2024

Noatun mesa has charged my credit card in monthly basic,I would like to register from the link

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Mikael Wilopo on April 03, 2024

Noatun mesa

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Mikael wilopo on April 04, 2024

Unauthorised cc charged by noatun $65.68

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Mikael on April 04, 2024

Been charged in monthly basic

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Mikael Wilopo on April 04, 2024

Unauthorised charge from my cc

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Eugene Hollis on April 06, 2024

They wanted $45

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Karon Strahan on April 07, 2024

I have not clue what this is for or why they ^$#! they feel entitled to remove my $45 without authorization.

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Tracy on April 07, 2024

I just had a declined charge for this same place for $45 and the credit card company is taking care of it. I wish scammers would get a for real job like the rest of us and leave ppl and their money alone. Go make your own money a**holes!

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JDL on April 16, 2024

I got dinged today. Complaints have been documented since 2016. How come this fraud is allowed to continue? Can the banking industry not shut them down? Or is it the responsibility of our "do nothing" Congress???

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Meldach on April 23, 2024

45.00 charge to my credit card! Beware.

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Blesyn on April 23, 2024

I live in France and just got scam of 42.57€ from my bank account, i haven't bought anything from them and I don't know them but some how I got FRAUD??!!

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ARCHIE MEADE on April 23, 2024

NOATUN CC $45.00 IRCSV.COM $45.00

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Victim on April 24, 2024

Scammed me through an email from Starbucks

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Theresa Meekins on April 26, 2024

I was charged $45.62 on my cash app card. Luckily, it was locked so they weren't able to get anything. They tried to charge it several times. I have never heard of this business.

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Brian Hastie. on April 28, 2024

I have no knowledge of this action. Noatun Cc8442047512 Mesa Us Pending -77.63 27th April 2014. Please advise.

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Maddczech on April 29, 2024

Unauthorized charge naotuncc, 844 is phony number. Bank fraud found it. It’s a scam worldwide since 2019 wtf ? How can they get away with this !$^# ? It’s a dating scam. I learned 40 years ago not to trust any dating site 🖕

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Maddczech on April 30, 2024

Why is a hack dating site allowed to continue to operate in fraud ? For 5 years running ? Fricken disgusting !!! What tf is going on behind this enabled scam ?

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Rhonda Gavin on May 01, 2024

Charge for something I don't know

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Rhonda Gavin on May 01, 2024

Woolworths scam, charged so much for I don't know what

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Monika on May 01, 2024

Woolworths about winning Tupperware

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Terri M on May 01, 2024

second Noatun $45 charge was flagged by the bank (1st charge was not noticed) and the card has been canceled .... other purchases were attempted.

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Maddczech on May 01, 2024

Don’t do surveys ! Don’t do sweepstakes ! If it’s sounds like a duck ? Nothing is free !

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Tiara on May 03, 2024

Isn’t there anything that can be done besides this message. I was also charged $45 and my bank is taking care of it but it’s inconvenient and a terrible time in my life for me to have to deal with scammers.

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Janelle Bilile on May 05, 2024

Tried to charge my card $45. and I have no idea what it is. Denied by bank as I don’t have that much in my account.

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Katie on May 12, 2024

They took 45 dollars from my account. Said it's a gaming subscription. I ended up getting ahold of the guy and had my money refunded immediately. My card is now off and I'll be getting a new one. Happy mother's day to me..

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Katie on May 12, 2024

18442047512 is the number I called and got through and my money was returned.

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Ethan on May 14, 2024

NOATUNCC fraudulent company charged my PayPal $45. Im in the process of disputing. Wish I would have noticed it earlier!!

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Michael Smith on May 22, 2024

Charged me $45. I had to stop card

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Marko Thornton on May 28, 2024

"NOATUN" Tried to collect $45.62 from my debit card. My bank caught it, and cancelled the card Ha! Ha! Ha! No money! No Funnny!

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Beverly on June 07, 2024

NOATUN tried to collect $45.00 from my debit card. Thankfully my bank caught it.

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John on June 10, 2024

Showed up randomly on my bank statement! Was charged $45 on my credit union debt card

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softonics on June 12, 2024

tryig to download for mac

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They asked the card just to verify idetity and NO CHARGE on June 12, 2024

cyberduck a sotware to FTP files required credit card just to verify identity. they promissed NO CHARGE at all

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BARRY PARKER on June 19, 2024


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Do you know anything about the source of this charge? Please comment below!