What is OKLAHOMA COMM SV 405 600 828 CABLE SVCS?

First seen August 12, 2015. Last updated on January 17, 2019.


The credit card charge "OKLAHOMA COMM SV 405 600 828 CABLE SVCS" was first recorded on August 12, 2015. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

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88% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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Merchant Information

Merchant Cox Cable (edit)
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Category Internet services (edit)
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R. E. Fox on September 28, 2015

A charge for $32.72 suddenly appeared on my August AMEX statement. I called the number listed on the charge and the call was answered by COX. They said they had no record of the charge. Went to the retail store and was told the same thing. Disputed the charge through AMEX. Charge was reversed as well as the $34.99 charge in the September statement. No one can/will tell me what the charge was for. Waiting to see what happens next month.

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Jay on January 17, 2019

A charge of 95.00 was withdrawn from my checking acct. Even though the charge is still pending, Cox comm says there is no way for them to reverse the charge or see who fraudulently used my card. The fraud department at Cox comm says there is no way to track card info and refused to check if an acct was opened in my name. He said” it would take me all day to search our 20 sites”. I fail to see the purpose of a fraud dept that does nothing about fraud but will take fraudulent payments. I contacted the cyber crimes division of my local police dept and they are investigating the crime. The phone number attached to the fraudulent charge is 1-800-234-3993.

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