What is SANDAG 511 CA?

First seen June 30, 2014. Last updated on November 05, 2018.


The credit card charge "SANDAG 511 CA" was first recorded on June 30, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

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SANDAG 511 CA - Freeway Service Patrol on April 06, 2017

Apparently, it's a freeway service patrol company based in San Diego, CA. They help you out with flats, jump start cars, etc. I have never been to SD before a day in my life. I called my bank and they gave me my money that was charged on my card back plus they gave me a new card. I suggest everyone that has never been to SD before and sees this charge to do the same and report this fraud charge.

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Marsoli on April 14, 2017

I was upset when I first saw a $36 charge from "Sandag 511", and thought it would have been for roadside assistance, but then wondered how they got my credit card info, it turns out it was a charge on a reload for my son's bus pass. Student Monthly Bus pass charge, $36.

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Wendi on April 19, 2017

I just received this on my bill from my credit card. I did not authorize this nor was I anywhere near the state of California!

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Sean on May 02, 2017

I got the same thing, but got charged 72$ 6 times! Calling the bank!

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Josh on July 30, 2017

I received this charge when I reloaded my bus pass for San Diego Transit System

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cathy on October 26, 2018

I was going through my bank statement and saw it too and wondered what it was and was about to call my bank. Thanks, Josh for your input. It's when I reload for my mother's San Diego bus pass. It's $18.

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Chris on November 05, 2018

This is a charge that can show up if you buy a train ticket or pass in San Diego. If you didn't buy a train ticket your card was probably stolen and used for a ticket.

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