First seen April 25, 2015. Last updated on October 02, 2023.


The credit card charge "TRADEINN CELRA ESP" was first recorded on April 25, 2015. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Do you have any information regarding this credit card charge? If so, please share below! Help others avoid a potential confusion by commenting!

Is this a legitimate credit card charge?

78% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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Merchant Information

Merchant tradeinn celra esp (edit)
Website (edit)
Phone 16465752249 (edit)
Category sporting goods (edit)
Description Click to Add


Tim G on May 13, 2016

This is the generic company accounting name for a group of European sports businesses. For more information check out their company website: When I had a charge from them it was legitimate because I purchased an item from one of their many retail websites.

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GoalInn Football on May 22, 2016

I ordered some soccer socks from

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Andrei M on September 29, 2016

i thought this was suspicious as well - then i looked at things that i had purchased online a few days ago and i had bought some water shoes from - i had no idea the company was outside the US. lol

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0 Not Helpful on April 12, 2017

because not receive my hat bora bora

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Arjen on August 30, 2017

Suspicious, I have no idea yet what this is (motion picture theaters). I will contact the credit card company.

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Jen S on April 29, 2019

I disputed a charge for $79 from Tradeinn Celra. Chase investigated. I do not believe we had ever ordered anything from their companies. After the investigation Tradeinn refunded my account. I had already had to cancel that debit card and all the headaches that come with it. Chase knows it is fraud but is not opening a police report. I wonder how many other people get charges unnoticed from this company. They should be investigated!!

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Kirsten on June 24, 2019

After quite a bit of checking through my emails to find a corresponding transaction for the date of the charge on my credit card, I determined that it was from an online baby registry purchase on Hope this helps.

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Nadejda Letat on February 05, 2020

I have been charged $133.48 by Tradeinn Retal Service on 21 January 2020 at 7.33:47 am. I cannot recall any purchase or service from Tradeinn Retal Service. What do I do about this?

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Nadejda Letat on February 05, 2020

I have been charged amount of $133.48 by Tradeinn Retal Service for unknown "service" ??Date of "transaction"? entered on my HSBC bank statement is 21 January 2020 7.33:47 am. What can I do about this?

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Nadejda Letat on February 05, 2020

I have been charged amount of $133.48 by Tradeinn Retail Service on 21 January 2020 - 7.33:47. I have no recollection of any transaction or purchase for this amount on this date with this establishment (Tradinn Retail Service). What can I do about this?

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Nadejda Letat on February 05, 2020

i have checked my latest bank statement & discovered I have been charged $133.48 on 21 January 2020 7.33:47 for service? performed by Tradeinn Retal Service. I have not had any service performed by Tradeinn Retal Service. Please advise what I should do? I am seeking assistance from my bank & shall refer this matter also to ASIC & ACCC.

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Denise Dale on June 17, 2020

I purchased bicycle tires from them.

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Urs Wetzel on December 02, 2020

Am 14.11.2020 wurde mir ab meiner Mastercard Fr. 71.02 verrechnet. Eine Gebühr von 1,5% für Zahlung im Ausland. War nicht im Ausland, sondern zuhause! Was soll ich unternehmen?

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Luis Gonçalves Folhadela on August 16, 2021

legitimate spanish compnay that sells sporting goods under several names, usually with INN at the end. Bought Dive material from them. All good!

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Alice on November 29, 2021

Strange to see other people with very similar amounts of money taken. £133.45 taken on a Sunday when I have definitely purchased nothing. Looks like it’s sportswear/hiking Millets type products. But This is an unauthorised transaction for me! Well it’s split across 2 transactions.

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Daniela on December 29,2021 on December 29, 2021

Disputé un cargo de $ 79 de Tradeinn Celra. Chase investigó. No creo que hayamos pedido nada a sus empresas. Después de la investigación, Tradeinn reembolsó mi cuenta. Ya había tenido que cancelar esa tarjeta de débito y todos los dolores de cabeza que la acompañan. Chase sabe que es un fraude, pero no está abriendo un informe policial. Me pregunto cuántas otras personas recibirán cargos inadvertidos de esta empresa. ¡¡Deberían ser investigados !! Marcar como útil Kirsten el 24 de junio de 2019 The same thing happened to this person, I do not know how they are debited without authorization and without having bought anything, I demand a clear, honest answer and I

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Canadian on December 29, 2021

This company first charged my credit card for $1900 in early December, but rebated it two days later before I noticed the charge. Yesterday, they charged me $1669. We have never purchased anything from this company. Beware.

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Philippines at Jan. 25, 2022 on January 25, 2022

Someone recent transaction today jan. 26, 2022 @ 10:57am php7,717.97. And thankful to the banks was declined due to suspected fraud.

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Christopher R. Dimatulac on February 16, 2022

Hi Ma'am/Sir, I am Christopher Dimatulac, I would like to inquire if there's a parcel intended for me, my problem is I cannot access the website where I ordered the item the amount was already debited from my account my order is osprey hip bag and I pay P2,390.48 pesos for it Thank you, Christopher R. Dimatulac

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Anthony on March 03, 2022

Just got a charge in my PayPal for $326.95 and I’ve never even heard of this company. I have never ordered anything from them and in the details, it says delivery to New York. I live in Oklahoma. How could this happen?

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Metoe on February 27, 2023

Ordered a pair of Runners from RunnerInn (says below the add "Powered by TradeINN" ) so it took me a minute to connect the dots. Charge came up as TrekInn but numbers added up correctly and dates. My charge was legit. I can see how people would get easily confused tho. I nearly did.

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R.E.M. on October 02, 2023

I don't know how or why but september 21 2023 TradeIinn celra esp took nearly 63 €. Can some one help me please?

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R.E.M. on October 02, 2023

problem solved. no worries

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Do you know anything about the source of this charge? Please comment below!