First seen May 14, 2015. Last updated on September 10, 2023.


The credit card charge "331 PBC HOWELL MI HOWELL MI" was first recorded on May 14, 2015. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Do you have any information regarding this credit card charge? If so, please share below! Help others avoid a potential confusion by commenting!

Is this a legitimate credit card charge?

69% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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Merchant Information

Merchant Pepsi Bottling Company (edit)
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Category beverage (edit)
Description Vending Machine Charge (edit)


Consumer on January 18, 2016

This charge was at a vending machine at Genesys Hospital.

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Mike on January 23, 2016

If you use a vending machine that takes credit cards this is what it shows up as on your statement. You don't have to be in Howell either, I use one in Livonia, MI

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kelly on March 22, 2016

never used a vending machine with my card still got charged 1.75$.my bank canceld my card gotta get a new one.

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Brandy on April 05, 2016

Mine showed up as "331 PBC" and was a vending machine at Twelve Oaks Mall. "PBC" is Pepsi Bottling Company. Thanks for the help!

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Fraud on May 20, 2016

I live in Ohio and my bank - KeyBank flagged this with Fraud... this was the first approved charge, then it moved to a few stores after. Please call you bank to have them keep an eye out on your accounts

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Emily on June 04, 2016

This charge is for swiping your credit/debit card at a soda pop vending machine for your purchase. It is legit.

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Saundra on June 22, 2018

Used a vending machine at Twelve Oaks Mall in Novi.

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Saundra on June 22, 2018

Used a vending machine in Novi

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Saundra on June 22, 2018

Used a vending machine in Novi

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Saundra on June 22, 2018

Used a vending machine in Novi

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Sandy on February 05, 2019

Vending Machine

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Fraud on September 29, 2019

I believe the card is being tried to see if it's a good card then used elsewhere. My bank notified me of the fraudulent charge and cancelled the card. I have not lost my card, so the scammers are finding creative ways to get card numbers. Get a real job if you're that smart!

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Pine on October 01, 2019

I have 100% found out this is NOT a real charge. It shows as a vending machine charge, I have NEVER used a charge card in a vending machine. I finally had a BofA customer service rep look and tell me if your institute looks past the first page above, they see the charge is out of Venezuela. While the BofA card was being replaced for fraud, my back up card from my CU was used at only 5 places and this charge started showing up on it. Just from these 2 cards it is $1.50 X 20. Multiply that and people that think this is a real charge, $$$$.

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Vending machine - Beaumont Hospital on June 10, 2021

I used my bank card in a vending Michigan located in Beaumont Hospital Wayne Michigan.

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Stacy on September 10, 2023

Yes it's from a vending machine at the Wal-Mart in canton, Michigan it took me hours to figure this out.

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Do you know anything about the source of this charge? Please comment below!