First seen October 02, 2014. Last updated on December 11, 2023.
The credit card charge "TWL SPAIN ZARAGOZA ESP" was first recorded on October 02, 2014. It has been deemed not suspicious by our users.
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27% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.
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Merchant | The World Lottery S.L. (edit) |
Website | + (edit) |
Phone | (+34) 976 20 11 20 (edit) |
Category | Gambling (edit) |
Description | Online lottery (edit) |
The source of this charge is El Gordo, the Spanish Lottery, it's also the only source to play the UK & Euro Lottery online when in Spain.
Yes it is Elgordo, a Spanish lottery
El Gordo, die spanische Lotterie. Alles richtig, keine Gefahr.
I can confirm the statement afore (Vero on Feb 13,2019) I too received 2 charges on one of my lesser used Credit Cards, labeled: 10/12/20 01/01/21 TWL SPAIN ZARAGOZA ESP 10/12/20 01/01/21 TWL SPAIN ZARAGOZA ESP which I did not recognise. I returned to Brussels from Catalunya in early September 2020 and stayed in Brussels ever since that time. Impossible to have made those 2 purchases "in Zarragoza". I'm happy to have found this site. I confirm having made 2 online purchases at El Gordo. Both charges are correct. Ouf !!! Funny, El Gordo charging out of Zarragoza!
This is the Spanish National Lottery, El Gordo plus Euromillions. Very good well managed website.
Boas noite comprei neste saite as lotarias el gordo do valor de 80 euros .no dia 2/12/2023 ..e ate hoje nada recebi ?? Gostava de uma resposta sobre este saite TWl Zaragosa