First seen September 10, 2014. Last updated on July 27, 2024.


The credit card charge "UAHSF MSO/IVR (MOTO) BIRMINGHAM AL" was first recorded on September 10, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Do you have any information regarding this credit card charge? If so, please share below! Help others avoid a potential confusion by commenting!

Is this a legitimate credit card charge?

82% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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Merchant Information

Merchant University of Alabama Health Services Foundation (Management Services Office) (edit)
Website Click to Add
Phone 8773693667 (edit)
Category medical (edit)
Description Uab hospital (edit)


V Cannon on December 21, 2015

UAHSF stands for University of Alabama Health Services Foundation. MSO is the Management Service Office, which is set up to deal with billing and accounts receivable. UAHSF is linked to UAB. If you received a charge, it may be related to medical care received at UAB Hospital or another medical facility associated with the University of Alabama.

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Jennifer Abbott on February 14, 2021

This is on my credit report from 2018

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Jennifer Abbott on February 14, 2021

I have no idea why this is on my credit report

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Jennifer Abbott on February 14, 2021

Why is this on my credit report

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Merlene Fuller on December 18, 2021

If this is a UAB charge for medical service, then why is "name and point of service" NOT listed? Why have I NOT received an confirmation email? Is this a SCAM? I have no idea what kind of charge this is!!!

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Suspicious Sally.... on February 07, 2022

I have a charge from UAHSF MSO on my credit report. It says they are collecting from 4.5 years ago. I haven't received a bill for this or anything. Not to mention my health insurance pays for all my stuff. If something isn't paid I get something from my health insurance company and a bill in the mail for services rendered from the actual company. I haven't received anything. I am contacting them ASAP to get this dropped of my credit.

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Christy E. on January 09, 2023

I have 2 postings on my credit report. One for $271.00 and the second is for $74.00. I live in Florida and have never been to UAB. This is a total SCAM!!

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Steve on November 24, 2023

Bill received for the amount insurance already paid.

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Tyson on June 04, 2024

Just received a collection letter about this charge. Ridiculous.

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farhan on July 27, 2024

I received the same and dropped my credit charge, is it a scam or what, i disputed

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Do you know anything about the source of this charge? Please comment below!