First seen June 26, 2014. Last updated on June 01, 2024.


The credit card charge "PAYPAL *DIGITALRIVE" was first recorded on June 26, 2014. It has been flagged as suspicious by our users.

Do you have any information regarding this credit card charge? If so, please share below! Help others avoid a potential confusion by commenting!

Is this a legitimate credit card charge?

85% of users have reported this charge as suspicious.

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Merchant Information

Merchant Digital River Ireland, Ltd. (edit)
Website (edit)
Phone +61 9522531234 (edit)
Category Microsoft Software (edit)
Description Microsoft HUP Software (edit)


Jez on November 05, 2016

Kasperksy internet security

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Anna Corum on May 02, 2017

I received a charge on my credit card this month of $39.99 from Digital Alrive AvA.I have never heard of this company and have never ordered from them. Another scam

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M.Luppino on June 09, 2017

My credit card was charged $54.99 for something I have no idea about. I'm now getting the banks to look into this as a dispute but I think this is some dodgy paypal connection !

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Sema Reklaw on June 16, 2017

I had this same problem... I noticed a reoccurring $29.99 charge on my Paypal account. When I tried to find somebody at DigialRiver I found that they are just like Paypal and some body may have enough of my information to be able to scam me. I change my payment info and blocked any transactions coming from Digital River.

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Sarah on July 04, 2017

Thanks to someone mentioning it was internet security, I checked and I have an invoice from AVAST that I had ordered, for the same amount. Digitalriver seem to be like paypal, a payment gateway. All is good. Look through your emails for invoice receipts for the same amount on something you've ordered

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susan B on July 25, 2017

charge from Digitalriv for $49.99 on my bank statement, never authorized or ordered through Paypal, better not happen again

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Sherri on August 22, 2017

Charged $64.36 from PAY PAL DIGITRIVE. I never authorized this charge. I go to paypal which I haven't used for months and there is no record of this charge on my acct. It put me minus in the acct. What can be done?

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M.Chan on October 12, 2018

After login to Paypal and check, I found the legit purchase record which I totally forgot, I guess the company may be responsible to charge digital product (but I'm not sure). In my case is CLIP STUDIO PAINT PRO... Hope it may help.

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Oshiyemi Omoyosola on December 01, 2018

I was got a debit alert of PayPal for digital rice and I don't have anything to do with this...this is scam

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shellie mercer on December 12, 2018

just got off phone with bank for an unathorised transaction. £34.99 was taken by paypal for a company called DIGITALRIVE.. never heard of it before.

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A cullen on February 17, 2019

Scammed. I never authorised this just received an email to say it was paid. I have taken it up with Paypal resolutions. Never heard of it before. Trend is normally the one to contact you re your account renewal.

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Tunde on April 04, 2019

First I was confused, thanks for earlier comments. Personally for me is the Flickr storage space monthly fee. As someone recommended on the bottom of the monthly bill is referring Digital River Ireland Ltd. Is a choise of payment. If you refuse to pay you might loose your storage capacity upgrade.

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Bilal on May 27, 2019

Digital River is an online transaction company. It's a middleman for many software license transactions including Avast. I was charged 64.94 because I forgot to cancel my subscription. this was easily solved when I went into my Avast account settings within a week and requested a refund. The license was quickly revoked and I got all of my money back. while it's not in my bank account anymore, I do have confirmation from Paypal that every penny of the money I was charged will be returned to my Paypal account within a few days.

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Kate on February 16, 2020

Was my Avast subscription renewal.

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Chris on July 03, 2020

just got off phone with bank for an unathorised transaction. £35.88 was taken by paypal for a company called DIGITALRIVE.. never heard of it before.

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Carola on September 02, 2020

Bought a software licence (drawing software). Was authorised by Digitalrive - I think it's a service provider for the merchant where I purchased the programm.

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Elaine Buckley on November 24, 2020

On the 18th Oct. I was doubly charged by these people. One payment was for € 69.99 and the second €59.99. I did NOT authorise either. I went into their website and was asked to log in which is impossible because I don't have an account with them.

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Szymon Mikulko on December 10, 2020

Mine was Geforce Now Fouders Edition legitimate monthly bill shown on credit card as Digital Rive

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Paypal *digitalrive on January 28, 2021

i have no never seen the name or payed anything using this service, but just today i looked at my bank where two diffrent occations have happent charging me 50euro today and 3 days ago 45euro, from two diffrent countries. taday was from germany and 3 days ago it was from luxemburg. This is highly suspicious and I am contacting my bank for help

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Marvhew on February 23, 2021

Bought red dead via paypall.

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Angeline on March 11, 2021

Kasperksy Anti-Virus Software Subscription

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Hans Goldsmits on May 25, 2021

I have been charget by PayPal Digitalrive AV 89,99€, I have not authorized this payment, and have no idea where it comes from, I don`t remember subscribing to this company.

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Leonie on August 13, 2021

My Trend security subscription.SCZHGV

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Artur Szczepaniak on August 31, 2021

They stolen from my account 50 pounds. I want my moneys back

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R.Reimann on September 08, 2021

pay pal Digitalrive AV 35314369001 under this headline I found a charge of 42,99€ on my visa credit cart. But nobody could tell me what for??

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Victor chavez on September 30, 2021

Read comments I might have ordered some kind of anti-virus Have to look into this now !$^# !

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Devin on October 01, 2021

I had to track down the source of the charge by looking through my email for a receipt on the date my bank record showed. I found an email from my bank to the tune of $66.14 like I expected, then an email from PayPal confirming a payment to Digital River Inc., and finally a receipt from Blue Microphones. As it turns out it was just the microphone I bought as a gift for my sister. If you're having the same problem try looking through your email like I did. It seems like this is just a proxy payment service that some companies use.

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Bruce on October 04, 2021

Trend Micro Security is deducted by DIGITALRIVE.

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John on October 08, 2021

Its the name that appears for charges from AVAST

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Jeff on November 02, 2021

It may be related to Kaspersky antivirus software. I am anoyed, because it id direct debit now, every year, A$48.95

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GeForce Now on January 12, 2022

GeForce Now

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Krzysztof Jarzyna on January 27, 2022

GeForce Now

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Dragoslav Rakic on March 12, 2022

Thei stolen from my account 7347.78 dinars . I want full refund . I have not authorized this payment .

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Dragoslav Rakic on March 12, 2022

I do not source ofthis charge

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Dragoslav Rakic on March 12, 2022

I do not sour e of this payment

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Dragoslav Rakic on March 12, 2022


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Dragoslav Rakic on March 12, 2022


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Dragoslav Rakiv on March 12, 2022

Sorry Source of payment is DIGITALRIVE DR

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Wendy on April 05, 2022

My AVAST subscription

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Jane on May 03, 2022

I think it is AVG security?

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Jane on May 03, 2022

I think this is AVG Security

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Jane on May 03, 2022

I think this is AVG Security

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Michael Smith joensson on June 12, 2022

They charge me DKK 499,- for some software i never ordered. Its a skam. Call your bank and demand your money back

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Colm McLoughlin on June 28, 2022

I do not know the source but from comments here it’s going around since 2017. It’s time these scams were levied each time for 5K. That might stop it !! 🤬🥵🤬

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Colm McLoughlin on June 28, 2022

I do not know the source but from comments here it’s going around since 2017. It’s time these scams were levied each time for 5K. That might stop it !! 🤬🥵🤬

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Gail on July 02, 2022

AVG subscription

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Jay on July 12, 2022

It's legit. Check your paypal and it'll tell you what it is; you probably used paypal for some sort of service or subscription. Think of it like this: paypal is one mail depot that your package (money) goes to, then it goes to digitalriver as another depot before finally going to its destination. Not a scam, just check your paypal activity and it'll tell you in more detail what it was that you paid for.

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Lilo Hoffmann on February 04, 2023

Am 18.01.23 wurden von PAYPAL*DIGITALDRIVE DR35324369001 DE über meine Visacard abgebucht. Justament an diesem Tag bin ich in ein Krankenhaus eingeliefert worden und bestimmt keine Einkäufe getätigt. Meine Visacard ist nicht freigeschaltet!!!!!

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ZioN on August 07, 2023

For me it was Geforge Now subscribtion

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M on September 08, 2023


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dale on October 25, 2023

just noticed this morning, i been working on this all morning trying to figure this charge out, only to find out its a scam. I will demand my money back from my bank.

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T on Sunday on October 29, 2023

Just been charged nearly $100AUD by Digital River Ireland. Who are they and what's it for?

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Valerie Bird on October 31, 2023

I don't recognize this payment 30th August Digital Riv Drive 4029 357733 Aus at 600 am

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Mark on November 03, 2023

Paypal Digitalrive

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I don’t recognise the payment

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Hassan on June 01, 2024

Transaction from 6799 on 01/06/24 at 05:39:16 for USD24.95 at PAYPAL *DIGITALRIVE TEN was processed. Reference No:415200500926, Approval Code:500926.

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Do you know anything about the source of this charge? Please comment below!